Opportunities behind the wheel: 4 reasons to drive for Huntsville Transit

single-meta-cal February 13, 2024

Have you ever imagined a job where your office is on the vibrant streets of Huntsville? A perk of any position is an office with a great view, and Huntsville Transit’s operators have that and much more.

Quisha Bryant, Director of Huntsville’s Parking and Public Transit Department, says working as a fixed-route bus operator is a fulfilling career that comes with multiple benefits. Having the best office in town is just one of them.

“Our full-time drivers enjoy flexible hours, excellent benefits and make meaningful connections with the community,” Bryant said. “It’s a profession that embodies the spirit of Huntsville – diverse, dynamic and full of possibility.”

Human connections

The human interaction is what appealed to full-time bus operator Kisha Ballard, who drove a school bus in Chattanooga before moving to Huntsville.  From longtime customers to new patrons, she enjoys connecting with people. She said listening to their stories or offering a friendly greeting can positively impact someone’s day.

Huntsville Transit bus operator Kisha Ballard stands next to an Orbit fixed-route bus.

Huntsville Transit fixed-route bus operator Kisha Ballard enjoys connecting with members of the public. “You just never know who’s going to come through that door and what they’re all about or what they’re going through,” she said.

“You just never know who’s going to come through that door and what they’re all about or what they’re going through,” Ballard said.

To that end, Bryant said it’s important to be courteous and have the temperament to serve all people, whether it’s an unhoused individual, college student or professional.

“I feel like what we do is a calling,” said Kachina Edwards, a part-time fixed-route operator. “We help people from all segments of society.”

See the City

One of the most enticing aspects of being a fixed-route bus operator is the opportunity to see Huntsville in a way few others do. Operators traverse the City’s neighborhoods, bustling downtown and scenic routes, providing them with a firsthand view of Huntsville’s charm and character.

From historic downtown landmarks to hidden gems, each route offers a new adventure, making the workday dynamic and engaging.

Great benefits

For most job-seekers, wages and benefits are top of mind when seeking a new opportunity. Bryant explained that for those seeking full-time employment, Huntsville Transit offers numerous benefits.

Full-time employees are eligible for retirement through the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA). Additionally, they receive paid holidays, allowing for valuable time with loved ones without sacrificing income.

Huntsville Transit also provides affordable insurance plans tailored for both individuals and families, ensuring comprehensive coverage without breaking the bank.

Schedule flexibility

Flexibility is what appealed to Edwards, who’s driven for Huntsville Transit for four years. She wanted extra income, but she also sought schedule flexibility.

Kachina Edwards sits in a seat of a Huntsville Transit bus. She's wearing a blue uniform top.

Schedule flexibility appealed to Kachina Edwards, a part-time fixed-route bus operator for Huntsville Transit.

“They really work with you on scheduling your hours,” she said. “They also treat you like family.”

Full-time and part-time fixed-route operators and part-time paratransit operators are open now. Fixed-route operators must have a commercial drivers license (CDL), while paratransit operators must have a valid Class D drivers license.

Visit the City of Huntsville’s job opportunities page to learn more about working for Huntsville Transit.