City Stories

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HPD’s Crime Stopper program produces 91% apprehension rate

Officer Nate Nickelson, pictured above, has been program coordinator for the HPD’s Crime Stopper program for 12 years.   The...
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Huntsville Police Academy: A ‘test of physical and mental skill’

Officers with the Huntsville Police Department have the opportunity to choose from a diversity of assignments. From bike patrols that...
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Huntsville Fire & Rescue’s ‘most dramatic rescue’ recognized by Mayor, Council

It was not, as District Chief David “Woody” Whitman says, “your average fire call.” That began with the initial 9-1-1...
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Why do businesses ‘heart’ Huntsville?

The Huntsville-Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau conducts its annual #iHeartHsv social media campaign every February. City of Huntsville Business...
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How Huntsville Animal Services finds safe ‘forever families’

It’s an obvious point that Huntsville Animal Services is in operation to provide care and attention for animals. But equally important,...
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East Clinton to Providence Classical: A preservation case study

Imagine the moments of tension and wonder. Like a nervous game-show contestant, what would be revealed? Slowly, surely the workers...
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Welcoming Dr. Matthew Akin to Huntsville City Schools

As the process to determine a new superintendent for Huntsville City Schools unfolded, Mayor Tommy Battle referred to the impending...
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Helping our homeless – a point in time

It’s equal parts civic responsibility and sheer human compassion. It’s quite simply, as Turkessa Coleman puts it, “the right things...
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From Gray to Gold – Revitalizing Madison Square Mall

For more than three decades, Madison Square Mall anchored Huntsville’s commercial corridor along University Drive and Cummings Research Park. The...
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Training the Next Generation of City Leaders

Pictured above:  Mayor Tommy Battle greets the City’s fourth class in its Leadership Academy by telling them “You’re what our...