City Stories

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Helping our homeless – a point in time

It’s equal parts civic responsibility and sheer human compassion. It’s quite simply, as Turkessa Coleman puts it, “the right things...
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From Gray to Gold – Revitalizing Madison Square Mall

For more than three decades, Madison Square Mall anchored Huntsville’s commercial corridor along University Drive and Cummings Research Park. The...
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Training the Next Generation of City Leaders

Pictured above:  Mayor Tommy Battle greets the City’s fourth class in its Leadership Academy by telling them “You’re what our...
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Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Kenny Anderson was an elementary school student, living in a second-floor apartment in the 16-story LaGuardia Apartments on the Lower...
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Promoting a culture of ethics and civic trust in City Hall

It’s back to class for Administrators, Department Heads and Council Members to learn the latest ethics laws As City of...
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Citizen Classroom: 
Why police do what they do

Huntsville Police train citizens and media on what it’s like to be a cop on the street Dangerous, complex scenarios...
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2016 Year in Review: Mayor Battle looks back on a great year

Pictured Above:  February announcement at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center on Huntsville becoming a Gig City with Mayor Battle, Huntsville...
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Keeping the Christmas spirit year-round in City Hall

Pictured above:  Officer Tory Green volunteers at the Boys and Girls Club of North Alabama, an organization that provided mentoring...
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Tide’s Coach Johnson on playing in Huntsville – “We took off like a rocket”

Photo by Eric Schultz The signs taped to the doors told the story. The Rocket City Classic was sold out....
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Rocket City Classic:
Lessons learned on and off the court

Pictured above:  Crimson Tide Men’s Basketball Coach Avery Johnson and his players show some of their favorite moves to members...